I love all my aprons. And believe it or not - I actually put one on everytime I cook. They hang in my kitchen on a side wall, and when I'm ready to start cooking - I just grab for one. My Mom gave me these aprons years ago (she's had them for long time). I've also seen some really cute ones at a couple of stores I go to. (I'll be sure to post a picture when I buy a new one). The half aprons are cutesy, but I really like the full length ones. I have a special one - it covers from front to back, and go all the way to the floor. (not shown). And Yes! My Mom gave me that one too.
Towels & Napkins:
I keep all my dish towels in this draw (well, not all of them). I use them to dry the dishes, and I like to have plenty (as you can see), so I can change them up often.

More dish towels! But these are a little more fancier (left side). There so huge I can't really use them for drying, so I put them by the stove, and use them as hand/finger towels when I cook. My table cloths are in the middle, and the basket to the right hold all my table napkins. Oh! And if your wondering what's that plaid thing in the middle; that's my little cloth bread/muffin box. I had to have it!